Archive for January 2008

Right USB for UMPC

The one thing I hated most about USB cables since laptops, and more recently mobile PCs were invented, was the need for such long bits of cable at the connector side. I have looked and looked for a solution to turn the cable at right angles but never felt happy with what I saw or found…until now that is.

Recently I found the “Wapy Gender” USB kit. Now I know the name is awful but the product is to die for. There are two in a pack (left and right) and both rotate their little USB port clockwise and anticlockwise. What this means is that the options are endless for mounting USB devices now and the cables can be neatly removed away from the perpendicular eye saw we are so accustom to!


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My Q1U gets HSDPA

Excitedly I have just got my Q1U-V back from an engineer friend…the welding, bending, mending type of angineer, and I am happy to report that it is HSDPA enabled now!

Now for some of you this may sound like a bit of a “what tha!” but for me it is very exciting as the Samsung Q1U has never been available in Australia with the HSDPA chip. Why you might ask? Well the reason is that we have our own very very stringent set of Telecommunications Standards Downunder called the A-Tick. Not only does this A-Tick Standard have to be passed, but it seems as though without the might of one of the “big boys” behind you (Telcos) you won’t even get the A-Tick any way. The only workaround therefore is to retro fit a locally an A-Ticked modem to the Samsung after it lands in the Country…and that’s just what we did.

The modem is the Sierra mini PCI Express HSDPA modem. It works perfectly and I must admit it makes the Q1U a entirely different experience (in a good way).

Naked Q1U with HSDPA modem (Middle/Top)

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Merry Christmas and Happy 2008

Dear uberTablet Family,

It is awesome having you guys and girls with me. I look forward to providing lots of fun (and info) in 2008 and wish the best for you, your families and loved ones.

I am pumped for an exciting year ahead of UMPC action and will do everything humanly possible to tell it "my way"! We will speak soon!

My Sydney, Australia!

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