Is it just me or is TabletKiosk the only OEM with a heartbeat in the UMPC market. They’ve finally announced a name for their device: “EO” Love it, hate it, it’s here to stay. The EO will be released in first generation under the V-1100 Moniker.
Here’s some new photo’s too of the device too. Come on Samsung, Founder and ASUS where are shots of your new devices in action? [As I typed this Lora Heiny pinged me with a Founder Video - a must watch!]
Regrettably Toshiba has yet to come out of the closet on their UMPC either – I’m working on it!
- ANZ UMPC sales receive a strong welcome
- Toshiba makes a much anticipated announcement
- I Founda' Founder Video
- Tegatech Australia gets Ultra Moble
- EO UMPC anounced
- Warner points to real life TabletKiosk UMPC
- While you slept I hunted down Toshiba's UMPC - you...
- UK thinks UMPC is OK/not OK
- Toshiba Announces UM400PC - not!
- Tablet Academy Award goes to Hugo Ortega
- Via Virtual UMPC
- Lenovo shows OEM's how to talk Tablet.
- Origami Device in Australia - April 2006!
- Would I buy Origami?
- Another Sahara review (with me in it???)
- Talk’n Tablet Downunder: show #3
- Monday at SWMUG and Tablet PC is OK!
- Hugo Ortega & Cameron Riley Talk Tablet
- We said Origami, not Versace!
- Uber Tablet Kids deserve some space!
- Uber Tablet Kids Rock!
- InkGestures gets Power enabled
- Craig, Buzz, Skype and I
- Intel joins the Origami debate???