Can't help but talk Tablet

As you all know I was involved with the CeBIT Fair just recently. I was helping out one of the stands, as Tablet PC Guy, and also running the CeBIT Blog. Although I could not be too opportunistic, what I could do is be efficient.Allow me to explain.

I love Tablet, & Tablet loves me; As I made my way through The Official Blog duties I managed to squeeze in some valueable Tablet exposure.

Here's some examples:

The greatest moment however was when Australia's Gadget Guy, Peter Blasina, from the Sunrise Show, invited me on stage to talk about the Ultra Mobile PC. Since I was at CeBIT helping out one of the UMPC resellers I decided to take up two other poducts too; a Home Automation device by Superna Systems, and the world's thinnest credit card sized flash memory, Walletex.

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