Jeffa, Hugo and MeeGo!

How great was today. The sun was out, the birds were singing, and my friend Uber Geek Jeff Alexander and I had lunch at the Gourmet Pizza Kitchen in Chatswood (same place I sat with Motion's Brett gross).

Microsoft Australia has always been a supportive of my Mr. Tablet Persona (and I don't mean Pharmaceuticals!). Today was no different as Jeff and I made our way through a Hawaiian pizza (jeff) and Fremantle pepperoni pizza (hugo). We talked kids, renovations, Franka & Team, Vista MCE, MCP/MCSE, Vista Tablet Stuff...and did I mention the Pizza!

By the end I walked away full of food thoughts and a road map for TechEd Australia 2006. I was so enthused that I joined the long list of MeeGo fanatics. What is MeeGo you may ask? MeeGo is the TechEd friend that you build out of online bits and bytes. He actually is quite customisable and very often becomes quite a reflection of the actual alter ego...the real you!

Here's my MeeGo. I'll be at the Microsoft Mobility Stand (obviously) throughout the conference so if you're in town and attending, be sure to take a moment and "Talk tablet."

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