Another set of Notes from the Doctor (audio)

As many of you may know I've been tied up with my new baby Daughter, Amber. Her arrival has been very exciting so regrettably blogging has falling a bit behind - promise I'll make up for it though.

Here is another session of Dr. Neil'sNotes (with Hugo Ortega). This was recorded last week and worth a listen as we tackle active digitizer vs. passive/touch...and more.

Dr. Neil's Notes 26

Welcome to Show 26Staring "UberTablet"

  • News - Hugo plays with ASUS devices
  • Dr. Neil off around the world again - DevConnections
  • Digitizers - touch, active, external:
  • What does it mean to the user?
  • What does it mean to the developer?
  • How should applications behave?

Happy Coding!

Any other topics you would like us to discuss?

This podcast was recorded on a Samsung Ultra Mobile PC with Castblaster

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