32GB SSD HDD for my Slate

Scary pyjama pants I know!

Being a geek is not a choice, it’s a way of life. As I contemplate not geeking out I often find myself philosophising about my next geekish quest. Inadvertently what I create is a conundrum of “do I?” or “don’t I”?” If ask my wife she would probably have a very certain point of view. If I ask your partner we would probably get the same. The fact remains however that once you’ve been bit, you’ve been bit!

What’s my latest infection? SSD!

While I sit here waiting for my SSD HSDPA OQO I have managed to obtain a 2.5” SATA 32GB SSD Hard Drive made by Transcend. The part number is: TS32GBSSD25S. The fact that the SSD HDD is SATA, and the fact that it is 2.5” (and not the UMPC friendly 1.8”) means that I have decided to trial it in my TabletKiosk i440D Slate PC. As shown here.

I’ll keep you posted on my thoughts. As we speak I have removed the spinning HDD the Sahara came with and holding the two in hand feels remarkably different. One of them, with all its shinny bits and pieces feels solid and valuable, the other, with its plastic and veneers feels lifeless and cheap. (Truth be told the later should be far more impressive than anything I have ever explored.)

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