When the opportunity came up to come to the Vancouver Olympic Games I really could not resist. As you know I started this morning, and although it's been a monster day, it has been worth it. It commenced with a 4:35AM wake up call at my hotel room in Los Angeles; from there I raced to the airport and caught an Alaskan Airlines flight to Seattle (where I will be spending the week with Microsoft). Avis had a car waiting for me and I headed for the Canadian border!
Once I was in Canada the excitement began! From the crowds on the streets to the people with flags and the multitude of banners and advertisements lining the streets, the Olympic spirit was alive. The first event I went to was the Snowboarding only to find out I was too late for most the events. A little upset I'd missed most the events I had caught the "Olympic bug" and decided to try my luck at another event...the Woman's Hockey! So several hundred dollars later (didn't matter since I'd laboured this far) I was in a cab and headed to another event!
From North Vancouver back to the West side I had to head to UBC (University of British Columbia) Thunderbird Arena! This is where I am blogging from as the game is going on! It is the second QTR and the Swedes are up 4 goals to 2 against Slovakia. The atmosphere is rocking and I am sitting next to the Swede fans and they are very passionate!
Once again, it is fun to show what mobility truly means, and how powerful it is to be mobile and broadcasting from some fun places in the world! Three countries in three days (Australia, America & Canada)! Love it!!! It's 8pm here and when the game is over I'll be headed back to America, Seattle and finally to my hotel in Bellevue. I will sleep well tonight.