In Queensland today with swag of Tablets

It's 7am and I’m testing out my new 3G upgrade while sitting in the Qantas Lounge waiting for a flight to Brisbane (Queensland, Australia). I’ve got several meetings planned which include partner meetings with the Health QLD, Herron Todd White and Datacom to name a few. On these days I rarely get time for lunch, or a break, but ultimately that’s what happens when you enjoy what you do, right?

I’ve packed a swag full of ten Tablet PCs and UMPC which include:

Fujitsu T5010, DT Research LogiPad, Arbor Gladius, Gigabyte T1028X, Amtek T10, TabletKiosk MediSlate (MCA), Viliv X70, Viliv S5, Samsung Q1-EX and TEGA Tablet.
It’s always funny to see the look on Security’s face when I start pulling out 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc…devices. The spaghetti of cables and AC adapters is another favourite of theirs too! Without question I almost always get swabbed and scanned under new anti-terrorist laws for “suspicious behaviour”. My response is “why, how many computers do you travel with!?”

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