Leon setting up RAM mount system on his drum kit
As some of my readers may know I have a nine year old boy who is an absolute geek and has been since he was little. He and I have geeked around at the local carwash, at his school and he even launched a Tablet PC training video when he was only 4yrs old! As he is growing-up however his wants are changing and so are his interests. While still an absolute geek he is also a musician, i.e. percussionist in his local school band. Recently we bought a brand new Pearl drum kit for him to use at home and it is awesome to listen to and watch him practice.
Leon and his mate Ian configure the baby Fujitsu (U1010 aka U810)
Over the years I’ve talked about many Tablet usage case studies but on this occasion I have a “really cool” one! So with Tablets to spare in our home (at last count a year ago there are over thirty tablets at our fingertips) I ordered a set of RAM mounts and installed a new Fujitsu U1010 (aka U810) onto his drum kit! With this he can now surf YouTube for Drum lessons, download music and listen along using his Panasonic headset. The reason I chose the U1010 is that it has no use for me (just too slow) and yet is a perfect size and shape, with its touchscreen and incorporated keyboard, and sits nicely on the drum kit and is transformed into an incredible learning tool!
Geek heaven!!!
Leon's Drum Kit gets an Ultra-Mobile PC