I've landed back in ol' Sydney town after 7 days away which included meetings in Los Angeles, Seattle and Vancouver (couldn't say no to the Olympics!) It was an awesome trip and the highlight obviously being in Redmond with the folks from Microsoft. There were lots of beers, lots of banter and plenty of passionate opinion flying around about iPad, Windows Phone 7 Series and other bits. Last night I took time out to have dinner with Martin Smekal, President of TabletKiosk and good friend. We talked a lot of things over and I past on all the feedback you all left me regarding TK. He is in high spirits and takes all your thoughts into consideration constantly.
One surprising email I received was from a friend named Ray Roche. As I sit in my taxi, headed home, passing the Neutral Bay shops and down past Mosman, I was reading my emails and internet bits only to find out that I was awarded as part of the World's "20 most revered commentators on smart mobile devices"! This was cool considering the company I am in (and the fact that I am nowhere near their levcel!).
Here are a few I can recommend you spend time with:
- Steve "Chippy" Paine
- Warner Crocker, GottaBeMobile
- Frank Garcia, Ultra Mobile PC Tips
- JKKMobile
- James Kendrick
- Kevin Tofel
- Matt Miller
- TnkGrl, TnkGrl Mobile
Thanks again for your readership...it means a lot to me. Stay tuned for more and bye for now from the back of my Taxi. I'm almost home and it's 30 degrees (celsius) outside and I can't wait to see my wife and kids!