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8 random things about me

My mate James Kendrick has tagged me in the "8 random things" meme (11 times to Paris James!!! OMG!) so here are eight random things about me:

  1. I love cooking - homemade Gnocchi being my forte!
  2. Prior to Tablets stuff I actually worked for the United Nations overseas.
  3. I once stopped traffic on Sydney's Harbour Bridge (with some mates), jumped out of our vehicles and danced with our shirts off. All this while a helicopter filmed us overhead for one of my friend's music video clips. [What can I say but I was young-er and stupid!]
  4. My second child Amber is an Identical Twin to sister Dea. Regrettably Dea did not make it through the birth (God bless her) and is not here with us.
  5. I actually applied to be an Air Steward for Qantas, with 15,000 other candidates, and got the job! I was selcted as one of only 6 candidates from the lot and yet I was the only one that turned down the offer! LOL.
  6. I was born in Argentina and still speak fluent Spanish, albeit rusty sometimes.
  7. I suffered from Epeleptic fits at a young age but thankfully these went away shortly after. (Although some might not believe me! *smiles*)
  8. I have owned 4 motorbikes and plan on owning my 5th soon.

That's enough about me. Here are the four I wanna hear from:

  1. Dennis Rice - comrad at GBM
  2. Jose Mendiola - Webmaster of Spain's Palmaniac
  3. Frank Garcia - New MVP of CTitanic
  4. JKK - of JKK Mobile

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