Another Story from Kosovo: & Tablet PC

Hugo Ortega (me) on a U.S Army Tank - in Kosovo 2000

A lot of you may not know but I actually spent two years of my life as a volunteer in Kosovo. When I saw Rob Bushway had posted a Tablet Tale from Kosovo I couldn't help but point to it. Although while I was in Kosovo I did not have a Tablet PC with me I do know that it would have made life a lot better while there. Enjoy this article as Jeff Singfiel, of the Missionary Geek blog, takes you through Tablet PC in Kosovo, and how its help make his life more productive (great job Jeff! I think you and I will have a lot to talk about).

The Opening of the Gjilan Municipal Park - Kosovo 2001

My role in Kosovo mostly revolved around kids; I helped them deal with post traumatic syndrome by organizing activities and exercises. The culmination of my work was the construction of a Municipal Park in the town of Gjilan (pronounced: geelan), it even made the . For your interest I am posting a couple of photos from my years in Kosovo, and you can also listen to my tale here, as I was interviewed by a friend for his podcast titled: "Extraordinary Everyday Lives".

UNHCR had lent me a vehicle for a few days - Kosovo 2000

The article is part of GottaBeMobile’s “Life With Ink” series, of which my mate Warner Crocker will be the new henchman. Go get em’ Warner! I’ll be logging in daily. I think a great additioan to the spot will be David Wallace and his “Life with Ink” as a Quadriplegic Tableteer.

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