Nice to be appreciated!

Recently GottabeMobile’s Rob Bushway posted a letter of thanks from new Tablet PC owner Mark de Jeu. Amongst the various insights Mark offered he also managed to name the resources that helped him narrow down his choices.

Until now. After months of daily reviews of GBM, JKOTR, WickedStage, Uber, and Buzz forums, I have landed on the Fujitsu P1510D. I heard your comments on trying out the ink, and I did try it out. No issues, and it may be that there will be a behaviour modification requirement for those that want non-Herculean touch screens (just as there is a behaviour modification requirement to become proficient in inking legible characters).

I just wanted to say to Mark: “You’re welcome mate!” I'm really glad I could help.

The P1510 is an awesome machine; if you’re interested in the device why not look at Rob’s Video Review of the P1510.

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