Chippy does Vega Battery

Chippy of (CarryPad) has done a great job of looking at the RaonDigital Vega battery life.


I'm running a 1mbps DivX+MP3 which is taxing the CPU to the tune of 60%. I've also been doing some USB Wifi work (about 20 min's.) The device is getting very warm all over! The screen is on and there's no power-management enabled. I don't have any USB devices plugged in as I run the video but I would regard this as a heavy usage test despite that. Similar tests on on other devices give about 75% of the full battery life.


Bear in mind that the device is shipped with the enhanced battery. If you want the slim battery (1/3 capacity and 130gm lighter), you'll have to order it as an extra. This is a great bit of marketing because RaonDigital know that battery life is a critical specification.



I can't imag.....and there she goes. A very ungraceful shutdown at... 4 hours, 17 minutes.

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