OnTheRun with Tablet PCs #29 is out!

It's always fun to sit down and have a listen to the enigmatic James Kendrick, and his mate Marc Orchant, rant and rave about the latest Tablet Talk. If you haven't heard one of these before now may be a good time as they do a UMPC/UPPC wrap up. Interestingly I get a mention in there (cheers boys!), and I really like the Samsung Q1 SSD machine (he liked it so much he bought the device - wow).


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Marc Orchant and James Kendrick are back with an all new audio sound that should be music to your ears! On Show #29 we talk about a couple of new Tablet PCs that have leaked out, James' new Samsung Q1 SSD, and we're both excited about the new ink guides in Outlook 2007 Beta 2 TR1. You might also find a tip or two about using Outlook and OneNote with your Tablet PC.

Links of interest from the show:

Enjoy the show and let us know what you think!

Special thanks to Tiedye Keith for the great song "Vulnerable" with vocals by Tony Lindsay of Santana.

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