Dr. Neil Roodyn and I recently decided to commit to a weekly podcast, sortof...well hopefully...maybe.
In an effort to make good with our word we bring you round number two of Dr. Neil vs. Hugo Ortega. So sit back, and listen into two MVP's discuss some geek stuff with a special guest - a cool little five year old.
Show notes:
Dr. Neil's Notes 22
- Welcome back to Hugo "UberTablet" Ortega
- The HUGE UMPC video from Hugo
- Update on Rohan with cerebral palsy
- "Where Was Dr. Neil" live.com gadgetDr. Neil's Arcasts with Ron Jacobs
- Finished a whitepaper on Sync Center in Windows Vista
- Leon's favourite Tablet tools, HP + snipping tool
- ASUS R2H not shipping with snipping tool?
This podcast was recorded on a Samsung Ultra Mobile PC with Castblaster