Jordan and Hugo up to mischief in MAC shop

Recently I blogged about Jordan, a student that held me completely responsible for the Ultra Mobile PC being in Australia – so much so that he called his EO…hugo!

Today I received an update and I just think it’s so novel of him that I had to post it (with his permission). I’m a sucker for enthusiasm and boy does this kid sport tones of it. He’s now boasting about a new carry bag that EO hugo is running around town in.

hie email:

Hi Hugo,

Just felt like saying hi and telling what me and my Hugo have been upto. I'v been showing anyone who will listen about the new UMPC's coming into Australia and they all love them!

I just showed two good mates of mine about Hugo and they loved it. Do you know who is the distributor in Qld or Nsw? If you could email me there email addresses so that I can pass them on and hopefully get some more UMPC's out there!

I have been looking for a new home for my eo (Hugo) because the little yellow bag that came with him just isn't cutting it anymore... Anyway I found a great place that sells some great bags for just about anything called Crumpler (crumpler) and Hugo fits great!

have a look at the pics attached...

Ill have to keep you posted on what we get up to as time goes on.
We went around to a few computer shops in Adelaide yesterday and there is alot of interested out there about UMPC's. I went into a Apple Mac shop and even they thought the platform was great! (apart from win XP...)

Well have a great weekend,

all the best,

By the way - and in case you're interested - this is my 200th post..."Hi, my name is Hugo...and I'm a blogger." Uh? Houston? Over? Do you copy?

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