Mobile PC Team opens their doors to the public

The Mobile PC Team in Redmond have sure picked up the pace. While the Tablet MVPs sat there in their office one thing we focused on was opening the doors to the general public. It's no good developing a platform for users if you don't know who your users are. So I guess we can take full credit blame for getting some of these Calendar events placed in your itinerary:

The problem for me is that I am sitting at the bottom of the planet while mostof you are on top. I know most of you are actually somewhere in the Northern Hemisphere so these events will probably fall nicely in between your work day. I for one will get up for early for SmartDraw, PhatWare and iGuidance.

In other news from Redmond Ultra-Mobile PC Team member Vikram Mada has started blogging about the platform he loves so much. Even more excitingly Vikram used to be an editorial cartoonist and will be illustrating his blog with his artwork.

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