Unofficial Guide ot Outlook 2007

If you are looking at getting the most out of Outlook 2007, then you might want to take a look at Marc Orchant’s new book, The Unofficial Guide to Outlook 2007. Knowing Marc and his knack for the detail, I’d be surprised if anything was left uncovered.

Marc Orchant runs a ZDNet blog called Office Evolution, is a Micosoft Tablet PC MVP, and is co-host of OnTheRun with Tablet PCs Podcast. I was lucky enough to spend most of my time with Marc while on the Microsoft Campus recently and I challenge you to find a more sincere, intelligble guy!

Well done Marc, I am ordering a copy now as Outlook is the programI live in most! I grabbed it from The Unofficial Guide to Outlook 2007 (Unofficial Guides) .

Via: GottaBeMobile

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