David vs. Goliath

This blog is slowly turning into reality blogging! I'm now in the Singapore (free) internet lounge and uploading an image taken only 2hours ago (on the plane). The image is of fellow MVP, James McCutcheon, and I as we make our way outbound from Sydney to Singapore., and head to China

The thing I like about this photo is the David vs. Goliath battle that went on between our laptops. On one side their is James with a 17" Dell beast (2hrs battery life) and on he other the Samsung 7" Q1B with 9hrs battery life using a 6 Cell battery! I know which one I'd rather...LOL

Post soon from Beijing! [thanks for your comments, I'll try and answer later]

taken on Flight SQ221 - Syd to Beijing

and yes, that is a computer James has...not a Cinema!

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