Finally in China, Beijing

After waking up at 3am (Sydney time) James and I are pleased to announce that we are in China! While it is only midnight here, in Sydney it is 3:40am and my body sure can tell the difference! The flight was a good one and the Singapore stopover really helped.

Upon arrival at the Hotel we received a little envelope with details about the Vista Labs but I cannot post anything else until I "ask" tomorrow. For the mean time here are some photos from our walk through the airport...we're such geeks! The outside temp is about 0 degress celsius (30 F), and it bites.

BTW, there will be people from the Vista Team with me tomorrow so please post any burning questions you might have; any topic is fine as Tablet will only be skimmed over I imagine.

James at Customs and infront of a Great Wall Mural

Windows Vista greets us first thing!

(I like the interpretation of Aero Glass on this marketing)

Another familiar friend, i.e. Intel Core 2 Duo!

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