Talking UMPC in South Sydney

As part of my Australian Tablet Guy duties – most self inflicted – I have been invited to talk to a unique conglomerate called The Shire IT Cluster. By unique I merely mean that they are proactive; they are enthusiastic; and they are motivated enough to be part of the solution, and not the problem. In this day I find laziness has become a popular way to describe one's ambition in life and quite frankly it drives me crazy. Here’s how this group describes themselves:

The Sutherland Shire It Cluster is a network of professionals, practitioners, trainers, educators, product & service providers, representing the broad spectrum of the IT and ICT sector who have formed a collaboration to meet the ICT needs of southern Sydney.

So as an FYI, I will be speaker #2 on March 2nd 2007 at 8:25am. If you are interested in attending, and live locally, you can download the Agenda for the upcoming meeting here and then download the map of the location, i.e. Lecture Room, University of Wollongong Campus, Loftus TAFE. If the "demo gods" allow we will have Phil Jones of The Logical Interface perform a demonstration using a UMPC (probably one of mine) and a Dino-Lite microscope.

For those of you anywhere else in the globe – I’ll blog about it! For those of you in Australia that are planning on coming make sure you let me know so I stay for coffee and talk Tablet with you.

If the weather permits I’m planning on taking a motorbike down there as the coastal ride will be nice in the morning.

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