The funniest thing happened to me today. I decided, together with a little shove from my wife, to clean the garage. What I didn’t realize however is just how massive this job was going to be. The first thing you need to know about my garage is that my car has never been in it, and we’ve been here for 2 years now. The second thing you need to know is that it is a double-brick, double car space, extra long garage; so my car not fitting-in is not due to lack of space.
Thinking back, what has occurred is probably the same dilemma that faces many married couples. The man of the house, usually a role taken by the husband, but not always (LOL), has his toys in the garage, while the woman of the house, usually the wife (LOL), takes all the available cupboard space in the house for her stuff! In this case I have a garage full of cables, old PCs, monitors, more cables, boxes, and, did I mention cables???
What was interesting about this miserable tale is this. While performing man’s most mundane task (the garage cleanup) I discovered the funniest thing ever. This will sound extremely bizarre to most of you but for the “clever” ones that have visited my blog on more than one occasion, what I am about to say will not entirely surprise. “What I found was a Tablet I forgot I had!”
At last count there are over 12 Tablet PCs in the house (including Ultra-Mobile PC) and this one would tip the scale to make it 13! As Dr. Neil would tell me, “not a bad problem to have!” The Tablet I found was the Xplore Rugged Slate named the IX104. If you haven’t heard me mention this one before just read here, or watch here (recorded: Sunday, February 12, 2006).
Have a great weekend everyone! Another video 4U tomorrow.