Raon Digital Vega gets GPS Navi Pack

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An Aussie recently asked me if I had tried the Vega Navigation System, to which I promptly reply “what are you talking about mate!” He pointed me to this site and got me thinking a lot about the potential of such a beast.

I then contacted Raon Digital (who are an awesome bunch) and asked for one…and look what FedEX brought me shortly after; shortly after paying a shocking amount of duties and taxes that is.

SO what’s in the box?
  1. Suction mount for the window
  2. Bracket to hold the little 4.3” Vega
  3. Extension cable for Audio and AC (cool)
  4. The Vega “Navi” USB GPS module! Nice
So let me head off and find my way around town…the Vega way!!! Keep you all posted in the next few days. For those of you not sure of what a Vega is make sure you look at the Vega 512 specifications (Australian Site).

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