Kohjinsha SA1 UMPC. First impressions

My English speaking mate, Chippy, who resides in Germany, has got a first look at the 7" Convertible notebook named Kohjinsha! What I found fun to watch about this video was the shear excitement coming from Chippy as he glanced into the box and spotted the new device staring back at him.

Grab some popcorn and watch less than 10 minutes of one grown man acting like one very excited little child...

For me the device lacks much appeal given that Origami and therefore touch/pen features are a very obvious omissions! It looks slick and seems to run well but I would not know where to put it amongst all my toys equipment. I think the P1610 would be a better buy but I guess you should read Chippy's review to find out more if you are interested in such a beast.

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