After two of my readers, Igor and Charlie Thomas, requested I look at several UMPC related accessories and their ability to multitask with other devices I thought I would post some photos. In summary Igor wanted to know if the ASUS R2H would fit in the Organsier Pack made by Samsung; while Charlie wanted to know if the Samsung Q1 would fit in the EO I7210 Bump Case.
Let’s take a look: Sorry Igor, the ASUS does not all!
But the TabletKiosk EOV7110 does!
Here is the EO V7110 cloesd in the Samsung Q1 Organiseer Pack. By the way, the V7110 is top-heavy and has a tendency to fall out of the pack if you open it quickly!!! at your own risk.
Hey Charlie, the Samsung Q1 fits nicely. For your reference buy the EO V7110 Bump Case as it will fit even better with more exposed buttons. (Make sure you blog about it and credit me!
It's a nice fit actually!
Here is the back of the Bump Case with the Q1 in it.
Here is the EO Portfolio Carrying Case and the Q1 fits in it nicely too!
Here is the Q1 closed up inside the EO Portfolio Carry Case.
I was pretty excited to learn that the Samsung Q1 Keyboard (which includes a mouse pointer and left and right click) works on all UMPC. Note however you may need to use a USB extension cable to get to your USB ports depending on which device you use
Tell TabletKiosk "Hugo from Australia" sent you and they'll look after you!
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- Todo UMPC en Espanol
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- Multitasking your UMPC Accessories
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- My Samsung Q1 Story (Video)
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