Australia’s Tablet Guy takes to the air...again

Don't try this at home folks!

Tomorrow I am off to Perth. Believe it or not Australia is so big that it will take me 5.5 hours to get to Perth and I will cross two Time Zones on the way!!! Yes, it’s that big. The purpose of the visit is to conduct two days training for one of the world's leading mining and exploration companies. They have called me in as “Australia’s Tablet Guy” and boy are they in for a show. I have done lots of these types of events and look forward to conducting it in this unique environment. (Do you think I can talk to them about Al Gore n’ stuff...LOL.)

In brief, I just want to share with you the list of devices I am taking with me: Samsung Q1B, Samsung Q1P (Vista), Samsung Q1 Ultra (Vista), EO i7210 (and Dock), Eo TufTab V7112XT, ASUS R2H, Raon Digital Vega, Sahara i440D, and more...

The family getting some rest before their flight!

(and here)

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