Motion LS800 does 2GB

LS800 intestines...yum!

Some of you may know that fellow Tablet MVP, Craig Pringle, is now practically a neighbour. He and I are getting together often to geek-out and today he popped by for coffee (a glass of water really) and with time to burn we took a screw driver to his LS800 and upgraded the RAM! So with my motto for the month still ringing in my ears, i.e. “I have 2gigs sticks and I’m not afraid to use them!”, we took apart his device and performed and upgrade. Low and behold RamBo came to the rescue once again as LS8000 does 2038MB also.

Be warned...just don’t call Craig an Aussie! Very bad....LOL.
2038MB (Interestingly Q1 Ultra sees 2048MB)

I could swear the memory scored 4.0 before the operation (from 1GB) and now it only scores 2.9!?!? Craig???

Also interesting that Q1 Ultra scores 2.0 as its lowest score and Motion's LS800 1.0 (Chippy? what do you reckon? more ammunition to go Ultra???)

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