It's Saturday night and I'm catching up on some vlogs and blogs from throughout the week. I've been on the couch (using the OQO model 02) for the last couple of hours and I thought it would be an opportune moment to post my top five Positives and Negatives of the device. I’ve been a fulltime user for several weeks and I’m getting to know its idiosyncrasies pretty well. Maybe some of my thoughts will resonate with OQO owners, or others, so I would love to hear your thoughts.
Time to do a top 5 on the OQO model 02
- Hugo Ortega phones his wife using...
- FedEX Man is on his way back
- TabletKiosk i440D reviewed
- How to: Upgrade Q1 Ultra to 2GB RAM
- OQO as my primary screen
- Motion LS800 does 2GB
- Australia’s Tablet Guy takes to the air...again
- Samsung Q1 Ultra gets 2GB
- Q1 Ultra in Australia
- 2Gig stick and I'm not afraid to use it
- The FedEX Man is coming again
- blogging from my lounge
- OQO Battle: XP vs. Vista
- I missed the WOW
- For the record
- Why the OQO Hugo?
- Because I can
- I'm Back
- Does your Slate have 4GB inside? Mine does.
- Are you the next Copycat Hugo Ortega
- How to buy a UMPC or Tablet PC