Why the OQO Hugo?

The best bit about writing a blog is the community that has built around me. It really is kind of like family and like family often we get crazy uncles, funny aunties and pesky cousins. If UberTablet were a family I guess Frank Garcia (Ctitanic) would sure be part of it. He recently picked on me for downgrading from a perfectly good Samsung Q1P to the OQO model 02. In my defence I posted some thoughts yesterday and I seemed to have pleased the little guy with my response. Having said that I believe my job as head of the family remains unaccomplished until the entire family is debriefed and up to speed with Frank and me.

So what better way but to post a video? This video is testimonial my journey from Fujitsu T4215, to Samsung Q1, to Samsung Q1B, to Samsung Q1P and finally ending up with the OQO model 02. In brief I find the form-factor so aesthetically compelling that its pocket-sized appearance was just about irresistible. Now you might say that my decision to swap to the OQO model 02 has had its fair share of obstacles and you would be right. However after jumping into my third machine I can safely say that it is worth it.

I will do my best to post my experiences often and let you all know what is good and what is not about living in a 5” world. So far…I like it.

Play Video [210 MB, 26 minutes]

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